Town Information For Maplewood NJ 07040
Real estate in Maplewood New Jersey has been on the rise in recent years. Currently, the median listing price in Maplewood is $450,000. Up from the 2012-2013 low of $406,000 and down from a high of $608,000. The average household income in Maplewood is around $116,014.
The price of real estate in Maplewood varies drastically based on the neighborhood. If you are interested in moving to or from Maplewood we offer free consultations here.
School System
The students of South-Orange Maplewood school system on average receive a 1220/1600 on their SATs and a 28/36 on their ACTs. The most popular colleges that the students attend are Rutgers University, New York University, and Montclair State University.
In addition to being a great town to live in for its public transportation, Maplewood has access to major highways that are a short ride outside of the town itself.